Two Single Girl's (or lazy person's) Meals

One of the things about new seasons of life, that might not have been considered, is what and how we eat.

I remember the days I cooked 4-5 days a week for a family of five. Then things change. Your hungry teens fly the coop and you are now an empty nester. There’s no need for stocking the fridge and pantry with piles of food, spending endless amounts of time planning, prepping, chopping, stewing, roasting, baking, and doing all of those things in the kitchen.

Now that I’m not only an empty nester, but also a single gal, my time in the kitchen is a whole new thing. Meaning it is basically nonexistent. I’ve never been one to cook for myself. I love cooking for my boys, or family or friends, but just me? Not so much.

However, I don’t want to fall into a pattern of snacking so I’ve gotten some simple, quick things I “throw together”. Here are two I whipped up (in less than 5 minutes) last week.

Balsamic Salad with Whipped Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese (5-6 oz)

Balsamic Vinegar

Mixed greens/Arugula

Cherry Tomatoes

Purple Onion (sliced thin)


Whip the cottage cheese in a blender. Place in the bottom of a bowl. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

Top with greens, tomatoes, onion, black pepper.

Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Mix and Enjoy!

You really should try this salad. It’s SO good. And I’ve always said I’m not a food blogger, so take it from me and not the photos!

Now the next is so simple, and much better than it looks. . .

Ya’ll, this is really good. Here is what you do, take a wasa cracker, cover tuna salad, then pickles and lots of black pepper. Hits the spot in a jif.

I make my tuna salad with no recipe. Here are the basics:

Light tuna in spring water, drained.

Two boiled eggs, chopped.

1 1/2 T sweet pickle relish

dollop of yellow mustard

1 T of light salad dressing (I didn’t have mayo on hand, and I’m not really a mayo fan, so. . . )

Have a good week and Live Well!